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4 Importance of Entrepreneurs for the Economy

Importance of Entrepreneurs for the Economy
Often times Entrepreneurs are regarded of as national assets to be cultivated, motivated and remunerated to the greatest possible extent.

Entrepreneurs can change the way we live and work. If successful, their innovations may improve our standard of living. In short, in addition to creating wealth from their entrepreneurial ventures, they also create jobs and the conditions for a prosperous society.

The following are reasons why entrepreneurs are important to the economy.

1. Entrepreneurs Create New Businesses

Entrepreneurs assumes the risk and profit of a business venture and by their path breaking offerings, in the form of new goods & services, result in new employment, which can produce a cascading effect or virtuous circle in the economy. The stimulation of related businesses or sectors that support the new venture add to further economic development.

Entrepreneurs work through innovation and change and give birth to new ideas, new faces of doing business, new avenues and bring forth a business from something no one else believe it is a potential business opportunity.

2. Entrepreneurs Add to National Income

Entrepreneurial ventures literally generate new wealth. Existing businesses may remain confined to the scope of existing markets and may hit the glass ceiling in terms of income. New and improved offerings, products or technologies from entrepreneurs enable new markets to be developed and new wealth created.

Additionally, the cascading effect of increased employment and higher earnings contribute to better national income in form of higher tax revenue and higher government spending. This revenue can be used by the government to invest in other, struggling sectors and human capital.

Although it may make a few existing players redundant, the government can soften the blow by redirecting surplus wealth to retrain workers. 

3. Entrepreneurs Also Create Social Change

Through their unique offerings of new goods and services, entrepreneurs break away from tradition and indirectly support freedom by reducing dependence on obsolete systems and technologies. Overall, this results in an improved quality of life, greater morale and economic freedom.

For example, the water supply in a water-scarce communities will, at times, force people to stop working to collect water. This will impact their business, productivity and income. Imagine an innovative, automatic, low-cost, flow-based pump that can fill in people's home water containers automatically. Such an installation will ensure people are able to focus on their core jobs without worrying about a basic necessity like carrying water. More time to devote to work means economic growth.

The globalization of tech means entrepreneurs in lesser-developed countries have access to the same tools as their counterparts in richer countries. They also have the advantage of a lower cost of living, so a young individual entrepreneur from an underdeveloped country can take on the might of the multi-million dollar existing product from a developed country.

 For a more contemporary example, smartphones and their smart apps have revolutionized work and play across the globe. Smartphones are not exclusive to rich countries or rich people either. As the growth of China's smartphone market and its smartphone industry show, technological entrepreneurship will have profound, long lasting impacts on the entire human race.

4. Community Development

Entrepreneurs regularly nurture entrepreneurial ventures by other like-minded individuals. They also invest in community projects and provide financial support to local charities. This enables further development beyond their own ventures.

Some famous entrepreneurs, like Bill Gates, have used their money to finance good causes, from education to public health. The qualities that make one an entrepreneur are the same qualities that motivate entrepreneurs to pay it forward.

Most successful entrepreneurs are Philanthropists and they the poor and the needy in society, and aid the government in provision social amenities.

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