4 Ways To Making Investment disappointments your strength
Inside every disappointment lies a priceless gem of wisdom, just as inside every problem lies an opportunity.
When people are lame, they love to blame. The emotional pain from the disappointment is so strong that a person pushes the pain onto someone else through blame. In order to learn to sell, you had to face the pain of disappointment. But in the process of learning to sell, you will find a priceless lesson: how to turn disappointment into an asset rather than a liability.
For people who are afraid to try something new, in most cases the reason lies in their fear of being disappointed. They are afraid they might make a mistake or get rejected. If you are ready to start your journey to the financial Fast Track, you need to be prepared to be disappointed.
If you are prepared for disappointment, you can turn that disappointment into an asset. Most people turn disappointment into a liability, a long-term one. They often say things like “I will never do that again,” or “I should have known I would fail.”
The reason there are few self-made rich people is because few people can tolerate disappointment. Instead of learning to face disappointment, they spend their lives avoiding it. Disappointment is an important part of learning. Just as we learn from our mistakes, we gain character from our disappointments. Observe the following four advices;
1. Expect to be disappointed
It often said that only fools expect everything to go the way they want. Expecting to be disappointed does not mean being passive or a defeated loser. Expecting to be disappointed is a way of mentally and emotionally preparing yourself to be ready for surprises that you may not want. By being emotionally prepared, you can be calm and dignified when things do not go your way. When you are calm, you think better.
Many people who fail in something often think it is their idea even though it is good that didn’t work. It’s not the idea that didn’t work. It was disappointment that worked harder.
They allowed their impatience to turn into disappointment, and then they allowed the disappointment to defeat them. Many times this impatience is because they did not receive immediate financial reward.
Business owners and investors may wait years to see cash flow from a business or investment, but they go into it with the knowledge that success may take time. They also know that when success is achieved, the financial reward will be well worth the wait.
2. Always Have a mentor standing by
We can never know everything beforehand and by ourselves, and we often only learn things when we need to learn them. That it is recommend that you try new things and expect disappointment, but always have a mentor standing by to coach you through the experience. Many people never start projects simply because they don’t have all the answers. You will never have all the answers, but begin anyway. It said that “Many people will not head down the street until all the lights are green. That is why they don’t go anywhere.”
3. Be kind to yourself Always
One of the most painful aspects about making a mistake or failing at something is not what other people say about us, but how hard we are on ourselves. Most people who make a mistake beat themselves up far more than anyone else would.
People who are hard on themselves mentally and emotionally are often too cautious when it comes to taking risks, adopting new ideas, or attempting something new. It is hard to learn anything new if you punish yourself for your personal disappointments.
4. Tell the truth
Financially, there have been many times you could have run from your mistakes, but running away is taking the easy way out.
We all make mistakes. We all feel upset and disappointed when things don’t go our way. The difference lies in how we process that disappointment.
The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire, the size of your dream, and how you handle disappointment along the way.
The people who are most in control of their emotions, who do not let their emotions hold them back, and who have the emotional maturity to learn new financial skills will flourish in the years ahead.
The future belongs to those who can change with the times and use personal disappointments as building blocks for the future.
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